All is Way Fine

Captain’s Log    6,071

Let’s just say it got a bit “irreverent” at the meeting yesterday.  Everything is fine.  Way fine.


We had some crazy ideas!


Filed under Captain Poolie's observations

14 responses to “All is Way Fine

  1. Stephanie

    I’ll bet T-Rex could grab the brass ring with Jesus on his side (or back)! 😉

  2. Hurrah….but the Great Geezer and I want details. LOL

  3. susanna

    I’d love to hear the minutes of that meeting.

  4. goatbarnwitch

    Imagine the movies that could be made if jesus rode a dinosaur!

  5. Hope no one is going to Hell. or is there such a thing?

  6. Patty O"

    All is well again but 3 days blank. I have no idea. I’m glad the meeting if over and that reason prevailed. Nutso times,,,

  7. bholles

    Hope you got your way.

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