Daily Archives: September 22, 2015

Put the Freakin’ Phone Away

Captain’s Log   6,080

Okay.  I never do this but now I never will.  If you charge your phone under your pillow at night, the phone can burn up and start your bed on fire.  Is that scary enough?

cellphone fire

Don’t think you would require a snooze alarm if this happened.

Ah…..cell phones.  As much as some people say they should be hated and abolished, the sad truth is….they’re here!  And for now, they are a staple in our technology diets.  They are very useful as communication tools.  I save SO much time having my phone.  I get results almost instantly.  I can stay in touch with my staff, and with the world changing as fast as it is…..keeping track of my team is important.  I have a job where I need to know what’s going on.  We are open seven days a week.  We have security issues at night.  There is ALWAYS something that can go wrong in an instant.  And since I am the boss, I need to be in this loop.

I do have manners, though.  I never EVER talk on my phone in a restaurant.  EVER.  I step outside and handle the call.  If I get a work text, I evaluate what I need to do.  Texting back a few words is fine.  But if it requires more than that, I excuse myself.  I will not sit there and have other people at the table watch me conduct business.  I never EVER return a personal text in a restaurant.

But I know I am alone in this.  Big Sister Mia and I went out for breakfast on Saturday.  The two people sitting next to us dabbled on their phones the entire time they were waiting for their food.  Once the food arrived, they ate in silence.  It was the craziest thing.  I don’t buy that “silent company” crap for a minute when people are in a restaurant.  Unless you are only going to fill up your food tanks.  Dining is designed to be a social enterprise.  You are supposed to pay attention to the person you are sitting with.


USA, New Jersey, Jersey City, Couple having dinner and text messaging

Uh…..what?  Yeah….hmmmm…..sure…….

I hate it when people sneak peeks at their phones during movies too.  I see that screen light up from 20 rows back and I just want to slap them upside the head!

But so it marches forward whether we like it or not.  We are connecting more and more.  The world is getting smaller and smaller.

Is nothing sacred anymore?


Everybody’s doin’ it, doin’ it, doin’ it………


Filed under Captain Poolie's observations