Daily Archives: September 4, 2015

God Hates Figs

Captain’s Log   6,072

This is just too damn funny.


She will get tired of jail food soon.

If she REALLY wanted to be all god-like about this, she would resign.  Instead, I am sure she is looking at book deals, appearances on the Rush Limbaugh show, fame, etc.  She could even get her own reality show out of this.  Cameras could follow her around all day as she goes about the business of interpreting Supreme Court mandates.

I also think it’s very convenient that she is using Jesus as the catalyst for her behavior.  Just over four years ago, she found Jesus and that was the game changer.  She is now a moral person.  Thank you, Jesus.


I think she heard him wrong.  FIGS!  FIGS!

Kim Davis is a huge step backward for this country.  Well, she joins tons of other backward steppers.  She just happens to be in the spotlight right now.  Just as I was smacked down the other day for saying the hunter who killed the bear cubs in Colorado is an asshat, I am sure there are people out there who would encourage me to love Kim Davis through all of this.  I am tired of loving idiots.  There are enough people in this world who respond positively to my love.  Idiots now threaten me, so I don’t want to love them.  I want to ignore them.  Like a heat rash or chub rub, I just want them to go away while I sleep.


Filed under Captain Poolie's observations