Daily Archives: September 8, 2015

Textual Relations

Captain’s Log   6,073

I don’t care which side of the fence you are on politically.  As long as you respect where I stand and we don’t try to change each other.  That being said…….

This is really funny!


Hillary’s chances might be over.  Really over this time.  But this just illustrates how much of a big game the whole thing is anyway.

In my heart, I support this wild-haired rebel from Vermont.  This country NEEDS a strong 3-party system.  I wish Bernie was the man to make that happen.  I fear it won’t happen.  We are still motivated by too much fear in this country.  Fear of letting go of the old ways to make the changes necessary to engage our world that is changing a lot faster than we are here in the United States.  Many react to the need for change by becoming more reactionary and more conservative.  To me, that is futile.  Change is coming.  Get on the train now or be left at the station.


My heart lies here.

Time for an evolution.  Big time.


Filed under Captain Poolie's observations