Sunshine Awards

Captain’s Log  4,409

And now, it’s award time! I was nominated for a Sunshine Award by Suburban Creampuff. Wow! What a nice surprise!

Protocol as part of my acceptance of this award is to do the following:

1. Link the award to the person who gave it to me.

2. Answer questions about myself.

3. Nominate up to 10 bloggers for this award, and link my nominees to the post and comment on their blog, letting them know about the award.

The Questions:

1. Favorite number:  I like 7.  It’s prime and considered lucky.  I like to consider myself now prime for something lucky.  Hello 7!

2. Favorite non-alcoholic drink: Coke Zero is moving up the charts, but strong coffee with cream is neck and neck.  I do believe it’s a photo finish.

3. Favorite animal: I would have to say dogs.  They are loyal and funny and make excellent companions.  Reptiles scare me for some reason.  Fiercely allergic to cats.  I don’t even like cats so it’s a moot point.

4. Facebook or Twitter? Facebook wins this one hands down.  Twitter is just too frantic for me.  We have an account at the museum, but my personal account sits fallow for months.

5. My passion: I would say directing theatre is one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.  Writing is too.  Obviously.  With almost 5,000 entries in the can, I could have written War and Peace five times by now.  Too bad I didn’t.  Or maybe that would be thank goodness I didn’t.

6. Favorite day of the week: That would most definitely have to be Saturday.  Every now and then, I actually get that day off!  I work way too many hours with way too much stress.  Saturday is my lighthouse to find the port in a storm.

7. Favorite flower: I am becoming a huge fan of roses, but my all-time favorite it the Peruvian lily.

I chose the following online journalists because they have something meaningful to say.  They are wise, funny, inspiring, etc.  It all depends on the day.  Most of these folks I have been reading for a very long time.  Some are new.  Some update frequently.  Some not so much.  I hold each of them dear for a very special reason.  In nor particular order……  My links are not working so use the navigation bar on the right.  Thanks!

My Senior Moments
Anna Not Bob

Goat Barn Witch

It’s Always Something

GAAAAA!  Spacing issues!  That’s what I get for trying to cut/paste here.  On well, it’s the thought that counts.

And for those who had questions about the cows with glass windows, here’s the proof.  Yes, indeed.  Either be morbidly curious or look away now!

So there you have it.  You can see all kinds of things when you look into the porthole.  Indeed gross.  And people wonder why I am a vegetarian.  Growing up near a dairy farm was enough to push me over the edge.

I saw an old friend at the museum yesterday!  Hooray!  She was visiting with her grandchild and another friend.  It’s always nice when that happens.  I had no idea she was planning to visit, so seeing them was even sweeter.

LeVar Burton launched his new Reading Rainbow app yesterday.  The museum is part of the launch!  I cannot wait to see it!  There was a lot of press about this yesterday.

Go LeVar!

LeVar and I had a “moment” when he came to the museum to film about six months ago!

So, once again, we have an entry that is filled with a hodge-podge of things.  Awards, cows with glass portholes, and LeVar Burton.  Imagine that.


Filed under Captain Poolie's observations

24 responses to “Sunshine Awards

  1. Pingback: A MOST HUMBLING AWARD « Diary of a mad cheesemaker

  2. Thank you for the nomination. What an honor! I’m with 67andgood, though – I don’t follow as many bloggers these days, in no small part because not so many people consistently blog. It’ll have to be in part reciprocal and doubtless have an overlap or three lol!

  3. Oh, thank you, you little crazycat! I will do the necessary ASAP! Cruise-azy here, but all is good. LOOOOVE your redesign! XOFifi

  4. Pingback: Sunshine Award «

  5. Thank you so much – I’m honoured. I’ll pass it on tomorrow. xxx

  6. goatbarnwitch

    Congratulations to you on the award and thank you so much for nominating me. I am deeply honored especially because it is coming from you. I will do my best to do right by the protocol.
    Poor cow, people are so weird

  7. Thank you Poolie! I feel very honored. xox

    Oh! That poor cow! Having had a port catheter in my chest and now fake boobs, I can imagine how awkward having that dang thing in it’s body!

    p.s. LeVar Burton = cute! I think I now have a crush on him!

    Alrighty then. Time to pass on the Sunshine Award!

  8. You like me, you really like me! Thank you so much. I will have to spend a bit of time pondering…..I don’t know if I have 10 bloggers that I really enjoy any more….so many of them have left the world of the Blog….but I will give it special notice and pass on the “honor torch” to all that I can.

  9. Thank you — I am more than flattered, I am honored. It will take me some time to produce an appropriate response, but I wanted you to know that I will.

  10. Thank you so much for the nomination. I’s loves ya. You are thoughtful and mostly kind. 🙂 You think of the best stuff….but I have to refuse this kind nomination. I don’t give awards after I had a bad experience with one. Hugs at ya.

  11. joaniebenson

    Good Morning Sunshine! Congratulations on your nomination.

  12. Penny Tushingham

    Other than your cows, your entry today is very uplifting and positive.

    Pen Pen

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