Daily Archives: May 13, 2014

I Knew Someone Famous Before She Got Famous

Captain’s Log   5,835

No hatchlings in the nest yet.  She is a good momma bird.  She lets me know I am intruding when I get too close.  I tried to explain to her that I am feeding other birds and making sure the plants are watered, but I think the language barrier is just too much.  She continues to glare at me.

When my Minnesota pals were here last month, we caught up with old times and old friends.  Lo and behold, someone I used to know has now become a successful author.  I remember when she was married to a storytelling cohort of mine.  I spent many hours with those two.  I know they got divorced and moved on with separate lives.  I had no idea she had become such a literary success.

This is one of her books.  It’s the story of the pink suit Jackie Kennedy was wearing the day her husband was assassinated.  It has become one of the most iconic garments in our history.

pink suit

I’ve seen this book everywhere.  I had no idea that the author used to go by another name and that she was married to a colleague of mine.  Small world.

I downloaded another one of her books and just finished it last night.  It’s lovely work.  I am inspired.  Novels seem so daunting to me, but short stories might be something I can do to get the juices flowing again.


Really good stuff.  Tender and not limited to love stories.

Woke up with another fierce headache around 3:00 this morning.  Stress is a bitch.



Filed under Captain Poolie's observations