Hippie Warriors of Love

Captain’s Log   5,662

I stole this from a Facebook friend.  It’s perfect.

hippie warrior

My tribal roots

Getting down to some serious business.  It’s going to require popcorn.


Filed under Captain Poolie's observations

16 responses to “Hippie Warriors of Love

  1. annanotbob

    True dat! xx

  2. http://www.etsy.com/shop/judyclementwall

    the artist’s shop. i bought the picture as a postcard so that i can frame it!

  3. jett

    I may have to steal this from you. After all, someone used my likeless without my permission!!!

  4. joanie

    I was wondering who stole my pants out of my gym locker!!

  5. Patty O'Reilly

    Sorry, I was never that thin…

  6. Patti Paris

    That’s me! Love this description!

  7. Penny Tushingham

    Love it!

    Pen Pen

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