Over For Another Year

Captain’s Log   3,863

We survived December Nights with about 8,000 people or so over the two nights.  That is down about 20% from last year, but I am not complaining!  And one of my favorite writers in the whole world, Mage…Maggie….Postcards, was there to help!  Her hub unit is a docent at the museum, and we met at the volunteer picnic this summer.  Fast friends ever since.  She has worked large events at Qualcomm and knew exactly how to handle the crowds who tried to sneak past her into the part of the museum that was off-limits.  She is an absolute treasure AND an amazing photographer.  I was using my iPhone in bad lighting and she was using a real camera.  Here we are….the gatekeepers.












We had a lot of fun.  It was nice to know that she and her hub unit had the front end of the museum under control.  That left me free to check on Santa, deal with the event police, rotate jobs with people who were monitoring the floor, etc. 

We have events all the way through December 24th now.  Something to do every day (even tonight – ugh).  In fact, next Saturday we have three events at the museum plus I have to attend a memorial service for one of the docents.  Thankfully, some of the staff is assisting with the morning events so I can slip away and see Joanie, Hairdresser Exceptionale, for a few hours of coloring and cutting and shampooing and stuff.   It’s always a busy time of the year.  We opted to not participate in the New Car Dealers show at the end of the month.  I really want the staff to enjoy New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day without working at the convention center.  Enough nonsense.  We need a break.

I’m off to conquer the world – or at least a bit of it.  I can’t wear my Motown sweatshirt today.  The event tonight requires that I dress up and look museum director-ish.  Trust me, it is much more fun to dress like a Motown Mad Russian.


Filed under Captain Poolie's observations

16 responses to “Over For Another Year

  1. jane

    I couldn’t make the DN because of family events but I don’t like crowds so that was probably a blessing. I did come down early Tuesday morning to find a few geocaches in the park. It looked like they were getting ready for an invasion! Hope you get out for some fun soon!

    • poolagirl

      The park really looks bad right before December Nights settles in. They have it all cleared out by noon on Sunday, and that is impressive!

  2. twisterjester

    Both you and Mage look wonderfully Russian-ish with your hats and such. I don’t see the Motown part but I’ll trust you on that part. Hopefully the rest of the season is as kind to you (relatively speaking) as the past couple of light days have been.

  3. ….and yes, PS….what fun to see you. How to make friends over a meatless hamburger and keep friendship moving. Leave us smiling.

  4. You did mad Russian with panache and style. I see I looked pretty funny too. I hope you don’t mind that I saved the picture. The hub unit, not needing any grease, and I were glad to do it for the museum.

  5. I’m sure you will look very museum directorish at the event tonight…..Good luck.

  6. You are the best looking Motown Mad Russian I have ever seen!

  7. joanie

    You guys look adorable! Ok, stop writing for just a couple of minutes so I can leave. The conversation is just too stimulating this morning.

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