Garden Sheds and More

Captain’s Log  3,803


Thank you for Googling something about garden sheds and finding yourself here.  I hope you like what you see!

I finally have a hurricane with my name.   You have to have a relatively normal and mundane name for that to happen.  They don’t give hurricanes weird names.  Here is a list of weird names for hurricanes – names that are fine for people.


La Shandra





Those would be silly hurricane  names.  People wouldn’t pay any attention until the winds were upon them.  Chaos would ensue.

I was reading up on trends the other day.  I do that every now and then so I don’t miss anything.  I really like the latest trend of turning your garden shed into an office.  Take a look at these.

Isn’t that lovely?  It even has its own wee deck and a skylight!  I worked from home yesterday and I was amazed at how much I could accomplish without the distraction of being in the office.  I would really really like a garden shed office someday.  Really really.

Awww!  How sweet is that?  It even has a giant pot filled with round things by the door!  I want that!

Here’s the best of the bunch.  It looks magical!

I love the windows!  And it almost looks like a sleeping loft space on the top.  How cool is that?

When I was in Michigan for the Peace Corps gig, the farm where it was held had a garden shed converted into a guest house.  It was the neatest thing ever!  It had a large living space, a loft bedroom, and a wonderful little patio that overlooked the flower garden.  It was also a library.  Talk about heaven!  Go out to the guest house to read!

Well, I don’t have a garden shed or the place to put one.  I’m sure the building code people would have to get involved so you could run electricity and stuff.  They would probably frown on running extension cords to run computers and lamps.

Since I don’t have a shed or a place, I was thinking of an alternative.  I could go to Target or somewhere and get one of those Easy-Up tent things.  I know they make them with sidewalls now too.  I could set it up in the driveway and run a cord from the garage.  That way, I could sit out in the driveway all day and write stuff – pretending it was a cool garden shed.  If weather becomes and issue, I could just sit inside the garage and leave the door open.  It would be easier to multi-task laundry and stuff if I worked in the garage.  Yes, in San Diego, people have their laundry machines in the garage.  I thought it was insane the first time I saw it but it really makes sense.

So maybe I will give up the idea of a garden shed office for now.  And the Easy-Up thing is a lot of work every morning.  So I will opt to just move a few boxes and set up a card table in the garage.  I could install a hanging sign that posts my business hours.  If I leave for any reason, I could stick a Post-It on the door that says….Gone Up the Street for Potato Tacos.

Don’t you just love the signs that say Back in 20 Minutes?  When the hell did you leave?  19 minutes ago, 7 minutes ago?  That 20 minute thing makes no sense.

Anyway…..if I had a garden shed office, I would sit out there when it rained.  I would love that so much.  My bedroom office is really nice, but it isn’t a garden shed.  Yes, I have my writing desk set up by the window, birds flittering around just outside the screen, and my own bathroom.  But it isn’t a garden shed.  I am still inside the house.  If I had a garden shed, even the walk out there in the morning would be magical…..because I would be on a journey of heart, soul, mind, and body.  I would love it.

If I had a garden shed office, I would keep all my geocaching stuff there.  It would be sanctuary for adventure.

The hummingbirds are back in force.  I think some may have migrated here.  They swoop and dodge and scream at each other all day long.  Yesterday, one got into the house.  I didn’t hear it, but when Roomie got home, she was alarmed and came to get me.  The poor little thing was batting itself against one of the skylights in the living room.  He was too high for me to stand on a step stool and gather him into a towel, so I extended a long plastic dust bin thing up to the skylight.  He was so worn out from all the frantic batting about that he calmly perched on the plastic end and let me bring him down gently.  As I walked across the living room with that wee little miracle bird so close, I could sense his trust.  He completely surrendered and let me carry him.  His little bird mouth was wide open and he was breathing hard.  Clearly stressed but not afraid of me.  I walked outside and he stayed on the perch.  We looked at each other and I said, “It’s okay now.  You’re free.”  And off he went….zipping into the bushes by the fence.

I love moments like that.  I appreciate the times when the barriers between species dissolve and good things happen.  I saved his life and he knew it.  He was grateful and I knew it.  The world is never a sad and lonely place when we allow ourselves miracle moments like this.  For the 15 seconds it took to rescue him and bring him to the door, we were in miracle mode together.  Completely connected at a cellular level.   I only wish that things like this could happen every day.  In the hustle and bustle of jobs and running around and taking care of business, I’m sure I miss thousands of chances.  But when one comes my way, I really do pay attention and make the most of it.

Life is good.


Filed under Captain Poolie's observations

23 responses to “Garden Sheds and More

  1. Hey, very nice post regarding garden shed. Your post may be very helpful for me. Dear my home is very small. There is a small shed in my house garden. It was useless. But now your blog has given a fantastic idea. I can also convert my garden shed into small study room for my children. Thanks for giving me such type of idea.

  2. Pingback: Shed Envy | Hmade

  3. Oh, I would love to convert my shed into a little office, but it gets awful cold up here in PA – I would definitely have to install a heater!

  4. what a wonderfully magical moment with the hummingbird 🙂

  5. joanie

    The sheds are calling me. I could LIVE in one of those they’re so cute. And so little to do. In fact. if you thought, “Oh, I’d better clean the bathrooms” then you’d suddenly remember, “Wait, I don’t have bathrooms!” Yay.

  6. I’ve seen places like that where people lived full time, believe it or not. They believe in minimizing their ecological footprints and figure a tiny house is the best way to do it. There’s a few websites but I think the most well-known one is here:

    Tiny Houses

    Hopefully I don’t get flagged as a spammer for the link, lol.

  7. Paper = Rabbits = Grants.

    You are welcome.
    I knew a friend here in town that had an office like that. She had an old cottage on the edge of one of our canyons. Her garage backed right up to the edge. She took out the back half, put in lovely glass doors, installed a happy and colorful office, turned the canyon into a series of decks, then worked in her small cramp’t old office. LOL

  8. Laura Murray

    Yep. Life is sweet! Where do the folks in the rest of the country keep their laundry accoutrements? Curious!

  9. joanieelockwood


  10. Edie

    Beautiful post!!!

  11. LA

    Poolie- the hummingbird whisperer. Fantastic.

    When the ex and I were dopey very young college students we lived in a converted garden shed. It wasn’t magical, just cramped and drafty. Of course the ‘shed’ pre-dated the Civil War, that we had a flush toilet and a gas stove was amazing. Pretty luxurious for a rickety outhouse that was overrun with cockroaches and still smelled like mulch. Funny what you can live in when you’re 19, broke, and in love. ~LA

    • poolagirl

      Youth knows no discomfort. That’s why it’s so important to experience it fully. And I never considered myself a hummingbird whisperer. That’s a neato idea!

  12. I’d take one of those. I thought about it a lot — I have the space, on the side with no neighbors. In a pinch, I could use batteries. Maybe I could have a solar panel set up, since that side gets so much sun…

    And I’d freeze my a$$ off in New England winters, when I would probably have to bring stuff back into the house so it wouldn’t freeze. But it’s fun to dream… That is a product I wouldn’t mind marketing.

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