Honey, I Miss You…by Indiana Terri

Captain’s Log  4,443

Okay, my pal Indiana Terri has done it again!  She is the best satirical songwriter in the world!  She had a go writing a song about my bee hole (well, not MY bee hole – the one in the museum).  Here we go…

Based on HONEY by Bobby Goldsboro +++++

See the hole, how big it’s grown

But friend it hasn’t been too long, it wasn’t there

City laughed at us and we got mad

Right now the bees are gone. 

The City’s  just not fair.

The first snow came and bees came in

the sleeping vagrant found his winter den

Old dogs, drug dealers and scorpions were there too

I ask you why…

And I laughed till I cried

And Honey, I miss you

But it’s not  so good

And I’d love to cover the bee hole

If only I could

Is that great or what?????  I cannot wait to try it out for real.  Here’s another one of her gems.  She wrote this one about the spoiled meat someone put in the overhead bin of an airplane – and maggots started dropping down upon the passengers.   It’s been around awhile.


I see an enormous future for us as a writing/performing duo, don’t you?  LOL!

Last day of work before heading off to Vegas for a weekend of fun.   Today should be pretty easy.  I have a private tour in the morning and then an online journal pal from Tennessee is scheduled to stop by.  I am really looking forward to that!  It’s always fun to meet online journal pals for real. 


Filed under Captain Poolie's observations

10 responses to “Honey, I Miss You…by Indiana Terri

  1. I have to say your performance of Gross Maggots is second to none…..I can’t wait for the Honey song…although One was another of my favorites…..When does the Greatest Hits DVD come out…I could use some of that royalty money right now.!

  2. You and Indiana Terri – what a truly dynamic duo! I’d forgotten about Gross Maggots in the Sky

  3. Maryz

    We found you, and it was great!

  4. Haha….don’t ya just love women???

  5. Hilarious! I wrote about that song last year sometime…

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